
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Doily Style Baby Blanket

This is made out of the same yarn as the Lilacs in February blanket.  I had purchased an extra skein (Caron Pounder in lilac), in case I needed it to finish that blanket.  I didn't use it, so I decided to make another blanket out of it.  I ended up needing more than 16 oz of yarn for this blanket, so I had to buy another skein.  Of course I still have most of that last skein left, so now I will have to think of something else to make out of it.  I made up this pattern as I went along, but so far I've only written out the first 15 or so rows.  I'm not sure that this will ever become a written pattern, since it required such a lot of ripping out and re-doing in order to get it to lay flat.  As is the case with most of the baby things I make, this will be donated to the local pregnancy resource center.

My original plan was to make a fancy border for this blanket, but by the time I finished the petal section, it was already 40 inches in diameter.  So I finished it off with a very simple scalloped border instead.

1 comment:

  1. Those would be useful on a small scale for the back of the chair or arms like the Dutchy way of keeping the oils off the furniture. Nice job!
