
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shell Baby Hat

Shell Baby Hat

Size 3 to 6 months


WW Yarn

Size G hook

Stitches Used:

Ch - chain

Ss - slip stitch

Hdc - half double crochet

Dc - double crochet

Shell – 3 dc in same space

Beginning ch of each round counts as a stitch.

Join each round with a ss in top of the beginning chain.

Round 1:

Ch 4, 11 Dc in 4th ch from hook, join with ss to top of beginning ch. (12 DC)

Round 2:

Ch 3, Dc in same st , 2 dC on each st around., join with ss to top of beginning ch 3 (24 DC)

Round 3:

Ch 3, + 2 Dc in next st, DC in next st + repeat from + to+ , 1 more Dc in same st as beginning ch 3, join with ss to top of beginning ch 3. (36 DC)

Round 4:

Ch 3 and Dc in each st around, join with SS in top of beginning ch 3. (36 DC)

Round 5:

(this row still increases the diameter of the hat.)

SS to next st, ch 3, 2 more DC in same st, + skip a stitch, 3 DC in next st +, repeat from + to + around, join with SS in top of beginning ch 3. (18 shells, each with 3 DC)

Round 6 to 12

SS to the center st of the next 3 DC group, do 3 DC in center stitch of each shell around.

Round 13:

Ch 2, HDC in next st and in each st around.

Fasten off.

Notes: You can easily make this hat bigger by adding some extra stitches in row 4.

Remember that row 5 increases the number of stitches again by 1/3, so don't add too many stitches. You need an even number of stitches in row 4 to make the pattern work.

You could also make the hat larger just by using a larger hook.

Add extra rows of shells to make hat taller.

If you want a turned up cuff add a few more rows of Hdc at the end.

Pattern is untested, except by myself. Please let me know if something is unclear, or you find a mistake.
You may sell one or two items made from this pattern, but you may not sell the pattern or publish it anywhere else. Please link to the pattern if you post a picture elsewhere.


  1. This is a great pattern! I discovered it the other day, to make a hat instead of the hood on a baby blanket. The hat came out just right! Then I made a hat for my Mom, using double strands of worsted weight and a size K hook. Added a few stitches per your suggestion, and then edged with hdc, sc, hdc to make a turned up mini-cuff. This will replace my other go-to pattern for easy, quick hat. Thanks again!


    1. It is just marking the beginning and end of a section of the pattern that is repeated more than once. Ordinarily you might see a * to mark this, but I was having keyboard problems when I wrote this pattern.

  3. What yarn and color did you use. Love the pattern and the colors.

    1. It was Bernat Super Value yarn, but I don't remember the name of the color. I picked it up on clearance.
